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2024/06 毕业于中国海洋大学, 应用经济学, 博士。







[1] Ruru Jia, J.W Gao, W. Hen. (2024) Modelling 3E-S sustainable development problem by an ambiguous chance constrained optimization method. Expert Systems with Applications, 257: 124993.

[2] Ruru Jia, J.W Gao, J. Li, L. Lin. (2023) Robust bilevel ocean zoning for marine renewable energy, fishery and conservation with fairness concern. Information Sciences, 650: 119702.

[3] Ruru Jia, J.W Gao, F. Gao. (2022) Robust ocean zoning for conservation, fishery and marine renewable energy with co-location strategy. Applied Energy, 328: 120166.

[4] Ruru Jia, J.W Gao. (2022) A globalized robust preemptive goal programming method for marine reserve problem with eco-economy tradeoffs and multiple uncertainties. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 14: 13375-13385.

[5] Ruru Jia, X.J. Bai, Y.K. Liu. (2020) Distributionally robust goal programming approach for planning sustainable development problem. Journal of Cleaner Production, 256: 120438.

[6] Ruru Jia, Y.K. Liu, X.J. Bai. (2020) Sustainable supplier selection and order allocation: distributionally robust goal programming model and tractable approximation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 140: 106267.

[7] J.W Gao, Ruru Jia, I. Noorani, F. Mehrdoust. (2024) Calibration of European option pricing model in uncertain environment: Valuation of uncertainty implied volatility. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 447: 115890.

[8] W. Zhang, L. Kan, Ruru Jia *, et al. (2024) Distributionally robust newsvendor problem with partial demand information under carbon emission regulations. International Journal of General Systems, DOI: 10.1080/03081079.2024.2353150.

[9] J.W. Gao, Y.Y. Zhao, Ruru Jia*. (2024) RCEP Regional Value Chain Construction and Global Value Chain Position Enhancement: A Measurement Analysis Based on Regional Value Chains. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Doi.org/10.1007/s40812-024-00320-5.

[10] X.J. Bai, X. Li, Ruru Jia, Y.K. Liu. (2019) A distributionally robust credibilistic optimization method for the economicy-environmental-energy-social sustainability problem. Information Sciences, 501: 1-18.

[11] Ruru Jia, X.J. Bai, F.X. Song, Y.K. Liu, (2019). Optimization sustainable development problem under uncertainty by robust and fuzzy optimization methods. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 37: 1311-1326.

[12] Ruru Jia, X. J. Bai, (2018) Robust optimization approximation for ambiguous P-model and its application. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, ID 5203127: 1-14.

[13] 高金伍,滕楠,贾茹茹*. (2024) 北极航线开通背景下中俄双边服务贸易潜力实证分析—基于扩展的贸易引力模型。《海洋开发与管理》

